Source code for flirt.hrv.feature_calculation

import datetime
import multiprocessing
from typing import List
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from tqdm import tqdm

from .features.data_utils import DomainFeatures
from .features.fd_features import FdFeatures
from .features.nl_features import NonLinearFeatures
from .features.td_features import TdFeatures
from ..stats.common import get_stats
from ..util import processing

# disable astropy warnings
    from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=AstropyWarning)

class StatFeatures(DomainFeatures):
    def __get_type__(self) -> str:
        return "Statistical"

    def __generate__(self, data: np.array) -> dict:
        return get_stats(data, 'hrv')

    'td': TdFeatures(),
    'fd': FdFeatures(sampling_frequency=1, method='lomb'),
    'stat': StatFeatures(),
    'nl': NonLinearFeatures()

[docs]def get_hrv_features(data: pd.Series, window_length: int = 180, window_step_size: int = 1, domains: List[str] = ['td', 'fd', 'stat'], threshold: float = 0.2, clean_data: bool = True, num_cores: int = 0): """ Computes HRV features for different domains (time-domain, frequency-domain, non-linear, statistical). Parameters ---------- data : pd.Series input IBIs in milliseconds window_length : int the epoch width (aka window size) in seconds to consider window_step_size : int the step size for the sliding window in seconds domains : List[str] domains to calculate (possible values: "td", "fd", "nl", "stat") threshold : float the relative portion of IBIs that need to be present in a window for processing. \ Otherwise, the window is dropped clean_data : bool, optional whether obviously invalid IBIs should be removed before processing, by default True num_cores : int, optional number of cores to use for parallel processing, by default use all available Returns ------- HRV Features: pd.DataFrame A DataFrame containing all chosen features (i.e., time domain, frequency domain, non-linear features, \ and/or statistical features) Notes ----- DataFrame contains the following HRV features - **Time Domain**: rmssd, sdnn, sdsd, nni_50, pnni_50, nni_20, pnni_20, \ mean_hr, max_hr, min_hr, std_hr, cvsd, cvnni - **Frequency Domain**: tital_power, hf, vlf, lf, lf_hf_ratio, lfnu, hfnu - **Non-Linear Features**: SD1, SD2, SD2SD1, CSI, CVI, CSI_Modified - **Statistical Features**: ibi_entropy, ibi_perm_entropy, ibi_svd_entropy, ibi_ibi_mean, \ ibi_min, ibi_max, ibi_ptp, ibi_sum, ibi_energy, ibi_skewness, ibi_kurtosis, ibi_peaks, ibi_rms, \ ibi_lineintegral, ibi_n_above_mean, ibi_n_below_mean, ibi_iqr, ibi_iqr_5_95, ibi_pct_5, ibi_pct_95 Examples -------- >>> import flirt.reader.empatica >>> ibis = flirt.reader.empatica.read_ibi_file_into_df("IBI.csv") >>> hrv_features = flirt.get_hrv_features(ibis['ibi'], 60, 1, ["td", "fd", "stat"], 0.8) """ if not num_cores >= 1: num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if clean_data: # print("Cleaning data...") clean_data = __clean_artifacts(data.copy()) else: # print("Not cleaning data") clean_data = data.copy() # ensure we have a DatetimeIndex, needed for interpolation if not isinstance(clean_data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): clean_data.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(clean_data.index) clean_data = clean_data[~clean_data.index.duplicated()] # before starting calculations, make sure that there actually is some data left if clean_data.empty: warnings.warn(f'Empty dataset after cleaning: 0 of {len(data)} rows left), returning empty features dataframe', stacklevel=3) return pd.DataFrame.empty window_length_timedelta = pd.to_timedelta(window_length, unit='s') window_step_size_timedelta = pd.to_timedelta(window_step_size, unit='s') first_index = clean_data.index[0].floor('s') last_index = clean_data.index[-1].ceil('s') target_index = pd.date_range(start=first_index, end=max(first_index, last_index - window_length_timedelta), freq=window_step_size_timedelta) def process(memmap_data) -> pd.DataFrame: with Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, max_nbytes=None) as parallel: for domain in domains: if domain not in FEATURE_FUNCTIONS.keys(): raise ValueError("invalid feature domain: " + domain) return __generate_features_for_domain(memmap_data, target_index, window_length_timedelta, threshold, feature_functions=[FEATURE_FUNCTIONS.get(x) for x in domains], parallel=parallel) features = processing.memmap_auto(clean_data, process) # only interpolate if there are overlapping time windows if window_length_timedelta > window_step_size_timedelta: limit = max(1, int((1 - threshold) * (window_length / window_step_size))) features.interpolate(method='time', limit=limit, inplace=True) return features
def __clean_artifacts(data: pd.Series, threshold=0.2) -> pd.Series: """ Cleans obviously illegal IBI values (artefacts) from a list Parameters ---------- data : pd.Series the IBI list threshold : float, optional the maximum relative deviation between subsequent intervals, by default 0.2 Returns ------- pd.Series the cleaned IBIs """ diff = data.diff().abs() drop_indices = diff > threshold * data if drop_indices.any(): data.drop(data[drop_indices].index, inplace=True) drop_indices = (data < 250) | (data > 2000) if drop_indices.any(): data.drop(data[drop_indices].index, inplace=True) # drop by bpm > 240 or bpm < 30 data.dropna(inplace=True) # just to be sure return data def __generate_features_for_domain(clean_data: pd.Series, target_index: pd.DatetimeIndex, window_length: datetime.timedelta, threshold: float, feature_functions: List[DomainFeatures], parallel: Parallel) -> pd.DataFrame: inputs = tqdm(target_index, desc="HRV features") features = parallel(delayed(__calculate_hrv_features) (clean_data, start_datetime=k, window_length=window_length, threshold=threshold, feature_functions=feature_functions) for k in inputs) features = pd.DataFrame(list(filter(None, features))) if not features.empty: features.set_index('datetime', inplace=True) features.sort_index(inplace=True) return features def __calculate_hrv_features(data: pd.Series, window_length: datetime.timedelta, start_datetime: datetime.datetime, threshold: float, feature_functions: List[DomainFeatures]): relevant_data = data.loc[(data.index >= start_datetime) & (data.index < start_datetime + window_length)] return_val = {'datetime': start_datetime + window_length, "num_ibis": len(relevant_data)} # first check if there is at least one IBI in the epoch if len(relevant_data) > 0: expected_length = (window_length.total_seconds() / (relevant_data.mean() / 1000)) actual_length = len(relevant_data) if actual_length >= (expected_length * threshold): for feature_function in feature_functions: return_val.update(feature_function.__generate__(relevant_data)) return return_val