Source code for flirt.simple.empatica

import os
import zipfile
import multiprocessing

import pandas as pd

# import flirt
import flirt.reader.empatica

[docs]def get_features_for_empatica_archive(zip_file_path: str, window_length: int = 180, window_step_size: int = 1, hrv_features: bool = True, eda_features: bool = True, acc_features: bool = True, debug: bool = False, num_cores: int = 0) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function provides a standard set of HRV, EDA, ACC features for a given Empatica archive \ (e.g. downloaded from E4 connect) Parameters ---------- zip_file_path : str path to the Empatica zip file window_length : int the epoch width (window size) in seconds, for which features should be calculated window_step_size : int the step size for the sliding window in seconds hrv_features : bool whether HRV features should be calculated from the archive eda_features : bool whether EDA features should be calculated from the archive acc_features : bool whether ACC features should be calculated from the archive debug : bool whether debug output should be printed num_cores : int, optional number of cores to use for parallel processing, by default use all available Returns ------- pd.DataFrame a pandas DataFrame containing a standard set of features for Empatica Examples -------- >>> import flirt.simple >>> features = flirt.simple.get_features_for_empatica_archive("") """ if zip_file_path is None or not os.path.isfile(zip_file_path) or not zipfile.is_zipfile(zip_file_path): raise ValueError('zip file does note exist %s' % zip_file_path) if debug: print("Reading files") if not num_cores >= 1: num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() df_hrv_features = pd.DataFrame() df_eda_features = pd.DataFrame() df_acc_features = pd.DataFrame() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path) as zip_file: if hrv_features: with"IBI.csv") as f: ibi_data = flirt.reader.empatica.read_ibi_file_into_df(f) if debug: print("Calculating HRV features") df_hrv_features = flirt.hrv.get_hrv_features(ibi_data.iloc[:, 0], window_length=window_length, window_step_size=window_step_size, num_cores = num_cores) if eda_features: with"EDA.csv") as f: eda_data = flirt.reader.empatica.read_eda_file_into_df(f) if debug: print("Calculating EDA features") df_eda_features = flirt.eda.get_eda_features(eda_data.iloc[:, 0], window_length=window_length, window_step_size=window_step_size, num_cores = num_cores).add_prefix('eda_') if acc_features: with"ACC.csv") as f: acc_data = flirt.reader.empatica.read_acc_file_into_df(f) if debug: print("Calculating ACC features") df_acc_features = flirt.acc.get_acc_features(acc_data[:], window_length=window_length, window_step_size=window_step_size, num_cores = num_cores).add_prefix('acc_') return __merge_features(df_hrv_features, df_eda_features, df_acc_features, freq='%ds' % window_step_size)
def __merge_features(hrv_features: pd.DataFrame, eda_features: pd.DataFrame, acc_features: pd.DataFrame, freq: str = '1s') -> pd.DataFrame: if hrv_features.empty and eda_features.empty and acc_features.empty: print("Received empty input features, returning empty df") return pd.DataFrame() merged_features = pd.concat([hrv_features, eda_features, acc_features], axis=1, sort=True) target_index = pd.date_range(start=merged_features.iloc[0].name.ceil('s'), end=merged_features.iloc[-1].name.floor('s'), freq=freq, tz='UTC') merged_features = merged_features.reindex(index=merged_features.index.union(target_index)) merged_features.interpolate(method='time', inplace=True) merged_features = merged_features.reindex(target_index) return merged_features